
  • Giustozzi F., Saunier J. and Zanni-Merk C. (2022), “A Semantic Framework to address the Evolution of Semantic Models for Condition Monitoring in Industry 4.0”. Semantic Web Journal. (under review)

  • Bourgais M., Giustozzi F. and Vercouter L., “Detecting Situations with Stream Reasoning on Health Data Obtained with IoT”, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 192, 2021, Pages 507-516, ISSN 1877-0509, In International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES-2021, 8-10 September 2021, Szczecin, Poland.

  • Giustozzi F., Saunier J. and Zanni-Merk C., “Towards the use of Situation Hierarchies for supporting Decision Making: A Formal Lattice-Based Approach”, In Proceedings of the 14th International Rule Challenge (RuleML+RR 2020) as part of Declarative AI 2020, pp.73-86. Jun 2020, Oslo, Norway.

  • Silva de Oliveira C., Giustozzi F., Zanni-Merk C., Sanin C. and Szczerbicki E., (2020), “Stream Reasoning to Improve Decision-Making in Cognitive Systems”. Cybernetics and Systems, 51:2, 214-231, DOI: 10.1080/01969722.2019.1705553.

  • Giustozzi F., Saunier J. and Zanni-Merk C., “Abnormal Situations Interpretation in Industry 4.0 using Stream Reasoning”, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 159, 2019, Pages 620-629, ISSN 1877-0509, In International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES-2019, 4-6 September 2019, Budapest, Hungary.

  • Cao Q., Giustozzi F., Zanni-Merk C., de Bertrand de Beuvron F. and Reich C., (2019), “Smart Condition Monitoring for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Processes: An Ontology-Based Approach”. Cybernetics and Systems, 50:2, 82-96, DOI: 10.1080/01969722.2019.1565118.

  • Giustozzi F., Saunier J. and Zanni-Merk C., “Context Modeling for Industry 4.0: an Ontology- Based Proposal”, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 126, 2018, Pages 675-684, ISSN 1877-0509, In International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES-2018, 3-5 September 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.

  • Giustozzi F., Casali A., Deco C., Lemos Dos Santos H. and Cechinel C., “Recommender System of Educational Resources: a Critiquing-based Proposal”, In Proceedings of the 11th Latin American Conference of Learning Objects (LACLO) 2016, pp. 257 - 264. San Carlos, Costa Rica. October 2016.

  • Giustozzi F., Saunier J. and Zanni-Merk C., “Semantic Time Evolving Models for Industry 4.0 - STEaMINg”. In Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops co-located with the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS), September 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Lemos Dos Santos H., Cechinel C., Giustozzi F., Casali A. and Deco C., “Users opinions about Learning Object Recommendations: a case study”, III Workshop about Open Educational Resources WREA 2016 - In V Spanish Congress of Informatics (CEDI). Salamanca, Spain. September 2016.

Poster and Presentations

  • Giustozzi F., “Semantic Time Evolving Models for Industry 4.0 - STEaMINg”. Journée du Pôle Stratégique Normand de Formation et de Recherche. Sciences du Numérique. Octobre 2019, Université de Le Havre, Le Havre, France. Poster.

  • Giustozzi F., “Semantic Time Evolving Models for Industry 4.0 - STEaMINg”. In the Early Career Symposium of the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS), September 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Poster and Presentation.

  • Giustozzi F., “Comment décrire l’évolution d’une ligne de production de l’industrie 4.0?”. Fête de la Science. Village des sciences à l’UFR Sciences et Techniques Technopôle du Madrillet – Saint-Étienne-Du-Rouvray, France. Poster and Presentation.

  • Giustozzi F., “Semantic Time Evolving Models for Industry 4.0 - STEaMINg”. Journée du Pôle Stratégique Normand de Formation et de Recherche. Sciences du Numérique. Octobre 2018, Université de Caen, Caen, France. Poster.